APLIC was formed in 1989 to address whooping crane collisions with power lines. Since its inception, APLIC has expanded to address a variety of avian/power line interactions including electrocutions, collisions, and nests. APLIC was originally comprised of 10 utilities, Edison Electric Institute, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Audubon Society.
APLIC membership now includes over 70 utilities, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Electric Power Research Institute, National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association, and Rural Utilities Service.
APLIC was formed as a collaborative effort to address bird mortalities associated with power lines, and the continued accomplishments of APLIC attest to the organization’s ability to develop practical and effective solutions to challenging problems.
APLIC develops industry guidance documents identifying causes and minimization methods for avian electrocutions and collisions, the Avian Protection Plan Guidelines in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other species-specific documents.