APLIC has developed guidance documents describing causes and minimization methods for avian electrocutions, collisions, use of electrical structures, and even some species-specific interactions with power lines. These publications serve as resources for engineers, biologists, planners, and the public to understand and address these interactions. The following APLIC documents will soon be available to non-members for purchase and electronic download.
Avian Protection Plan (APP) Guidelines
Avian Protection Plans are utility-specific, living documents designed to reduce the operational and avian risks that result from avian interactions with electric utility facilities. The APP Guidelines, developed jointly by APLIC and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, provide a framework that includes principles and examples, to aid utilities in developing an APP. APPs will vary due to utility size, geographic area, focus species, and level of risk, and are intended to be evaluated and modified over time.
Suggested Practices For Avian Protection on Power Lines: State of the Art in 2024
This document is the cornerstone of the library of information published on avian interactions with overhead lines. This version, published in 2024, revises the original 2006 document with current industry best practices, research, and improved figures and diagrams in a digital format. This version has an expanded focus to the protection of all avian species, and this protection includes safeguarding species from electrocution and collision as well as minimizing the impacts of birds on system safety, reliability, function, and long-term maintenance of the electric grid.
Reducing Bird Collisions With Power Lines: State of the Art in 2012
This document offers specific guidance for reducing bird collisions with power lines based on the most current published science and technical information. Originally published in 1994, this revised manual was published by APLIC in 2012. This version describes bird/power line collision risk factors, methods for evaluating the scope of the issue, and collision prevention measures.
Eagle Risk Framework
This document was developed under the 2016 Eagle Rule [CFR 50 Part 22] to assist utilities considering pursuit of an Eagle Incidental Take Permit (EITP) by outlining considerations using a tiered approach involving the evaluation of a utility’s existing system and risk to eagles, development of an Eagle Protection Strategy (EPS), and the application for an EITP, if desired. An EPS may be developed as a stand-alone document or it may be part of a larger Avian Protection Plan (APP).
Sage-Grouse Best Management Practices
This document was developed in response to sage-grouse/power line concerns, uncertainties related to siting and permitting of new lines, and variability in timing and disturbance distance guidance. In 2014, APLIC convened a group of utility, federal, and state agency partners to develop best management practices (BMPs) that would aid in addressing siting and ongoing operation and maintenance (O&M) concerns and help conserve sage-grouse and their habitat, and the final document was released in 2015.
APLIC Power Pole Modification Guidelines
This document is intended to provide considerations and guidance for electric utilities, wind companies, and agencies working on power pole modification agreements for compensatory mitigation for eagle take at wind facilities.