APLIC offers a variety of training resources and guidance documents that identify causes and minimization methods for bird electrocutions and collisions with power lines. These resources include:
Avian Protection Plan (APP) Guidelines (download)
Sage-grouse BMPs: Best Management Practices for Electric Utilities in Sage-grouse Habitat and Click here to view the Press Release
Working Groups (Whooping Crane, Sage-grouse)
In 2014, APLIC produced a document, Developing Power Pole Modification Agreements for Compensatory Eagle Mitigation for Wind Energy Projects, intended to provide considerations and guidance for electric utilities, wind companies, and agencies working on power pole modification agreements for compensatory mitigation for eagle take at wind facilities. To download the document, click here: APLIC PPM Guidance
Eagle Risk Document
APLIC "Eagle Risk Framework: A Practical Approach for Power Lines"